Submit Idea

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An overview of the idea submission process

You may be a developer who is annoyed with a program, or a project manager with a brilliant idea you want to see built out. No matter who you are or your technical skills, your ideas are valuable to the open-source community! As an Ideator at 100 Automations, you can make life easier for thousands of others, and be recognized for your contributions.

Here is how it works:

Run your idea through our Self-Evaluating an Idea guide. You will be able to solidify and organize your idea – such as who your automation will help and what problem it solves.

Once you have gone through the Self-Evaluation guide, congrats! Your idea is a step closer to coming alive. Follow these steps to submit your idea to 100 Automations.

Submit your idea

Submit your idea through our Automation Proposal Form. If you’re proposing an idea, don’t worry about the questions for specific technologies.

Once our evaluation team approves your idea, you or builders can find it on our project board and develop it, depending on what you’d prefer. A disclaimer: Once you submit an idea and we do a peer review on it, you agree to the work that is done and will host it here on 100 Automations.

When the automation’s been brought to life, you will be accredited for developing the idea, and featured on the website along with your automation. Make sure to show off your project in your Author Bio!

If you have any questions, you can reach out to us at our Slack channel.

Ready to get started? Share your ideas with the community!